
PushingUpRoses, https:, roseanders

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Hakkında Tartışma: PushingUpRoses

I love her look! She makes me cum so hard

She's hinted that she might be starting up an OnlyFans! My fingers are SOOOO crossed!

She has

And I signed up day one! Haha!

Her OF isn't roseanders it's pushinuproses!

care to share with the class?

The nudes look fake.

most of the nudes are ai fakes based on OF pictures, still pretty to look at

Very homely looking , is that the appeal? The thought that a semi-average girl like this could be attainable? I do see, how not being all fake is a plus, but if that is the goal, then give me CarmenRae Makoshake, current queen of natural tits!

Oh look, a crusty TERF getting into other people's businesses because they like a woman whose beauty doesn't fit his narrowminded views of femininity, what else is new?

TERFs aren't real, trannies aren't real, feminists aren't real, Mexicans aren't real, it's all made up.

There's only two kinds of people in this world.

Niggers and Faggots. Which one are you?

TERF, lol, I am guessing since he used that term, he would be faggot, but a confused one who like titties on the guy pounding his ass, regardless, I guess I would be more TERM than TERF, definitely do not believe transwomen are women, because, you know I am not some delusional homo that can't handle the male role in the modern world, so TE applies, R, well I am pretty Rad, and then M for Male, so get it right Queen!

oh in if getting into other people's business bothers you, then guess what, you just got into mine Queermo! Practice what you preach, put a nice meaty pipe in your mouth and stfu, or you know use the comment sections for comments as intended, just pick one and quiet be a hypocritical pole smoking bicth

Oh wow I lit up the weenie edgelord signal tonight.

lol, yep, got me all kinds of triggered, that is what's up with up TERM's

Believe me, it takes way more than some cum dunk, beta snowflake queen, to light me up, you make me giggle and just troll all you princesses even more, I used not to get trolling, but fuck me if you guys did show me how fun it is

I picture me making you so mad you could spit, if you wouldn't be wasting a nice big load of homeless niggy spooge, lol

You did make me re-evaulate this plain bitch you're simping over, I stand by my above statement, I will admit to her being a tad endearing with the specs, but meh

So what are you guys? Niggers or faggots?

Fuck HA,bro I hate the fact I actually agree with you on the last three paragraphs you wrote Trolling is fun,especially when the other party gets offended and the fact that this bitch is mid with some fuckable aspects

This bitch mid and ur all fags

This one is like the lower to average nextdoor tatted milf who's a weekend alcoholic

I don't know if I should have even used the term milf for her

And CH would still drop loads in this bitch

Even if this chick was dead and her corpse was rotting on the sidewalk for 2 weeks I'd STILL go to town on that rank pussy hole and blast a load in it raw

Aint nothing stopping me

But u guys are too gay to understand